Logo Internationales Künstlerhaus Villa Concordia Bamberg

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On Wed, 05.03.2025
At 19:00
Villa Concordia
Image for Zeitlang. Copyright: Cover © Ullstein Buchverlage


A reading by DONATA RIGG and CLAUDIA KLISCHAT, moderated by Nora-Eugenie Gomringer

Donata Rigg and Claudia Klischat, who was awarded the Villa Concordia Fellowship in 2007/08, will be reading from their new novel ZEITLANG on 5 March (Wed) at 7 pm in the Villa Concordia.

The story takes place in a Bavarian village and spans almost a century and a half and several generations: a journalist becomes an advisor to a populist politician....

ullstein.de / brief content and reading sample

youtube.com / book trailer Zeitlang

Book table, wine, water and cheese sticks afterwards - admission is still free. Welcome to the Künstlerhaus!