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On Wed, 05.03.2025
At 19:00
Villa Concordia


A reading by DONATA RIGG and CLAUDIA KLISCHAT, moderated by Nora-Eugenie Gomringer

Donata Rigg and Claudia Klischat, who was awarded the Villa Concordia Fellowship in 2007/08, will be reading from their new novel ZEITLANG on 5 March (Wed) at 7 pm in the Villa Concordia.

The story takes place in a Bavarian village and spans almost a century and a half and several generations: a...

Image for Zeitlang. Copyright: Cover © Ullstein Buchverlage
On Wed, 12.03.2025
At 19:00
Villa Concordia

Freedom is my oxygen

A reading from the work of BARBARA KÖNIG by Victoria Heinz, with an introduction by Bernd Goldmann

The Künstlerhaus invites you to a literary encounter with the work of Barbara König, who was one of the few authors to be heard in the circle of Gruppe 47.

2025 marks Königs 100th birthday. The occasion for a celebration that the founding director of the Künstlerhaus and publisher of various texts...

On Fri, 21.03.2025
At 19:30
Haus für Poesie Berlin

UNESCO World Poetry Day 2025 in Berlin

A celebration of poetry with RACHEL McNICHOLL (Villa Concordia Fellowship 2024/25) and others

Rachel McNicholl, translator and poet from the west coast of Ireland, is a fellow at Villa Concordia 2024/25, where new poems were written. Her colleague Hans-Christian Oeser, who was awarded the Villa Concordia Fellowship at the same time, and Eva Bourke have translated them into German for the...

Image for UNESCO World Poetry Day 2025 in Berlin. Copyright: Photo: Christian Jungeblodt
On Mon, 24.03.2025
At 19:00

VILLA WILD #17 - On how to end something

Mixed Show - Talk & Music

To end anything is difficult. We may simply not be able to finish something, in the truest sense of the word - and the infamous deadline draws ever closer. Or aren't we able to find the right time to make the leap and start something new. When is it time to make a break for it? And then there's the...

Image for VILLA WILD #17 - On how to end something. Copyright: Photo © Jürgen Schabel
On Wed, 07.05.2025
At 19:00
Villa Concordia

Mairead o'hEocha: Xenia im Schnee - Opening

Exhibition duration: 8.5.-8.6.2025. Opening hours: Sat & Sun & public holidays 11 am-4 pm, Mon-Thu 8 am-12 pm & 1 pm-3 pm, Fri 8 am-1 pm. Free admission.

Laptops, mandarins and diaries appear to float free from the laws of gravity. Tables play-out scenes of every-day life through shifts in temperature bringing sun, snow, sleet, rain, and fog. They are part of an on-going series of table paintings that re-imagine contemporary still life. The work was...

Image for Mairead o'hEocha: Xenia im Schnee - Opening. Copyright: Portrait: Christian Jungeblodt
On Wed, 14.05.2025
At 19:00
Villa Concordia


Welcoming new artists from Turkey and Germany

Artists from Turkey and Germany have been proposed by the Villa Concordia curators to the Bavarian Minister of Art for a fellowship starting in April 2025. Come to their welcome on Wednesday, 14 May 2025!

The renowned personalities will stay either 5 or 11 months to work in the fields of art,...

On Wed, 28.05.2025
At 19:00
Villa Concordia

Introducing NINA DEUSE

Portrait of the composer with Silke Lange und Ruth Velten

Among Villa Concordia fellows from Ireland and Germany NINA DEUSE will give an insight into her work on 28th May, 2025.

Silke Lange (accordion) and Ruth Velten (saxophone), soloists of the ensemble LUX:NM, will interpret a new piece by the composer!

Biography Nina Deuse: villa-concordia/artists


Image for Introducing NINA DEUSE. Copyright: Photo © Christian Jungeblodt